I can’t offer advice or a prescription to anyone. I cannot force or neither would I seek to force anyone into a particular course of behaviour. But I hope to attend to the title of the article… ‘What Should I do ?’ (Frankie and the Classicals) which happens to be number 4 on my top ten list of Northern Soul records…and the question that cuts to the heart of the matter.
The Public Health Bill currently still out for consultation in Northern Ireland….is an important wake up call. It emphatically spells out the tyranny of our collective future. The most terrifying provisions of the legislation are borrowed (cut and paste) from a Bill already enacted in Scotland. It should not be necessary to state this…but clearly the provisions contained in both documents are not intended exclusively for nor could they be effective if applied only to people living in Scotland/ Northern Ireland.
It is important to fully understand the intent of the provisions contained within the legislation. I can highly recommend the discussion of Dr Ahmad Malik and Melissa Ciummei and also his more recent interview with Dr Liz Evans discussing the same legislation both linked to below.
The proposed legislation is tyranny in its purest/distilled form. It is particularly terrifying in the sense that it is possible to clearly infer the intentions of the legislation despite the use of various vague ill defined terms that the relevant provisions are couched in…
forced vaccination and/or other medical treatment,
detention/ removal/deprivation of liberty
the use of force/violence against the citizen,
the removal of effective rights of appeal or redress,
the confiscation of property.
the implicit abolition of private property (entering without a warrant etc etc)
These powers are unequivocally sought and stated in the proposed legislation. It is telling you explicitly and emphatically what the state expects to happen and how it intends to behave. The circumstances/occasion in which these powers may be used/invoked against you and your children/loved ones/family/colleagues are simply labelled ‘hazards’. The various human rights and associated freedoms you may have thought that you possessed (took for granted) and which you considered inalienable…were never thus. It is clear.. the provisions set out in the legislation … are fundamentally incompatible with such rights/freedoms.
It is also clear that the consultation exercise around the legislation has been deliberately designed to obfuscate and deceive. The intention to avoid debate/challenge/argument/notice/publicity is clear in the format of the consultation exercise.
I think it is important to understand the clear intentions of the state and fully comprehend how this concerns/applies to you…and to frame that legislation and your understanding of it in the context of the below quote from Bob Moran…It is no longer possible to bury your head in the sand…it is emphatically and unequivocally stated in the provisions of the legislation… the tyranny it foresees and is preparing to implement/impose on YOU.
"The biggest problem, that all of this comes down to, is the refusal of most people to believe that people in power wish them harm, actively want to harm them, that is the hardest thing for most people to accept. There are a lot of people that just won't do that. That's too much for them."
Bob Moran on
In terms of framing this very rapid descent into tyranny…I have yet to come across a more lucid political/historical explication than that of David Hughes (linked below). I fully accept that there may be others who have produced such an understanding/framework/theory to situate our current inflection point…but I have not yet heard it/found it. Amidst all of the propaganda, white noise, nonsense…David Hughes, in my opinion, offers the most plausible and reasonable understanding of where we are and where that trajectory is taking us. I think he is worthy of your time and attention…in order to get a very clear picture of our precise historical moment…how we arrived here…and what that portends. Without such a theory/clear understanding/framework it is virtually impossible to make sense of the deliberately imposed chaos around you…which is very much a feature not a bug…confusion/disorientation/bamboozlement etc etc.
Each individual has their own complicated life to deal with. Nobody is suggesting that you get a garden rake and attempt to storm the Bastille. But each individual also has sole autonomy/control/responsibility for their time and attention. Of course, I understand that many people are time poor…the demands of labour, existing, families and the myriad responsibilities that that entails. Again...much of this time poverty is by design…with all its associated distractions/relief (sportsball etc etc).
BUT…until you are faced with the jackboot at the door……as the above proposed legislation clearly and unequivocally states…you are subject only to narrative (words).
There is no way back for the agenda post C19 2020. At a very basic practical level there is not even the prison space on the current prison estate…given the level/scale of complicity/criminality/involvement. It is also understood by many involved that serious/real attempts to achieve an accounting/justice for the overwhelming harms/abominations that have already taken place…the proper exercise of the Rule of Law…would require the death penalty for many. So…it is all or nothing. There is no other choice than to press ahead….failure (for them) is not an option.
At some point…each individual will be faced with the situation expressed with crystal clarity by Solzhenitsyn. When that moment arrives…it is down to each individual… their conscience…their maker.
“The line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either -- but right through every human heart -- and through all human hearts. This line shifts. Inside us, it oscillates with the years. And even within hearts overwhelmed by evil, one small bridgehead of good is retained”
― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956
But… until such time there is a responsibility/duty to behave with discipline. To separate oneself from the narratives…to disengage from them completely…to insulate and protect yourself from them. To not offer anyone in the power structure your time/attention. In doing so..is to not give them the credibility they crave or the seriousness with which they demand to be treated. It is… in my opinion.. a very serious responsibility/obligation at this point.
It is within your power and gift. At a very practical level this would involve not using, funding, participating with those narratives. Television…Newspapers (National/local)…Sky/ Netflix/Radio…and associated devices that are deployed specifically for the dissemination of these narratives. Your time and associated attention… is the only commodity you truly possess…there are no pockets in a shroud. Take personal responsibility for how you spend it. Exercise discipline and extreme discrimination.
I have not owned a Smart Phone for over a year…not because I am a curmudgeonly luddite…but because I became acutely aware of how harmful the device was and how personally susceptible I am to the various algorithms/psychological mechanisms that are deployed through it. I am not hubristic enough to think I am more intelligent than the designers of those systems and their understanding of how to deploy it- given their (collective) vast resources and wealth of experience/research/data. It is because I understand how dangerous the device is that I do not own one. Of course… in the modern world…not owning a Smart Phone/device is inconvenient…again…a feature not a bug.
It should be axiomatic that understanding how harmful/dangerous the device is to myself and the difficulty in reaching that understanding (recognising my own flaws and limitations that are manifold with respect to that device/Smart Phone) that I would never entertain the idea of allowing a child access to one. Even with the diligent application of parental controls with respect to the content a child may have access to….is not the point…the psychological mechanisms that impact attention...critical capacity/thought/cognitive function are embedded into the various platforms/interface/use of the device. It literally will retard the child whose brain is still developing until their early 20s. I think the naming of the device ‘Smart’ is intentional/malevolent/deliberate…the understanding of how its use retards the user is well understood/known.
The value of the device (Smart Phone) is not simply in its adoption and the acceleration towards/ achievement of a technocratic state/technocracy…with all the digital implications of its uses/applications…but as a highly sophisticated vector/delivery system for narrative.
I find it incredibly depressing/soul destroying that I have to make the above argument on harm reduction grounds… that people lack the capacity to reach the same end/conclusion on moral grounds. Ensnared by narrative…delivered through such devices Smart Phone/Television associated media…many people have been complicit in harming their own children, other peoples children and themselves. I struggle to understand how it would not be an instinctive/reflective response of people to disengage completely from such narratives…exercising the most basic of precautionary principles…to err on the side of caution. Adherence to such narratives has caused catastrophic harms…the body of evidence to support this is now overwhelming and continues to grow. I received an email from the NHS/York Medical Group only a couple of weeks ago ‘inviting’ me to have my BAT AIDS/C19 gay fuck trannie jab (I did not reply)…it rolls on. Engaging with the vectors of these narratives…whether by Television/Newspaper/Smartphone/Radio…continues to be incredibly damaging to the psyche…due to the extreme level of cognitive dissonance required in entertaining/acquiescing with the pretence/lies. It is dehumanising….degrading and abhorrent.
Lying lips are abomination to the Lord: but they that deal truly are his delight.
Proverbs 12:22
It also has the awful consequence in the individual of building up a tolerance to/desensitising them to such narratives. These narratives are relentlessly delivered via a variety of incredibly sophisticated psychological methods…not simply through the simplistic/obvious/clumsy methods of a state Nonce broadcaster (BBC etc etc). I think the tolerance threshold caused by exposure to these narratives is very worrying. It makes identifying Truth far more difficult…when there is such a high degree of tolerance/acquiescence/desensitivity with/to Untruth. Complete avoidance of these narratives is virtually impossible…like attempting to avoid sugar in the food offerings/produce of a major supermarket…but to not take the most basic/achievable steps in achieving this…through a disciplined approach to narrative exposure…can only be down to excuses… ignorance and weakness. It is fucking pathetic. Weak as fuck.
If pursuit of Truth is sincerely your goal…as it should be for every human being…then it follows that the response to and avoidance of untruth/lies should be taken with equal/corresponding seriousness. I find the levels of tolerance to Untruth I routinely witness to be thoroughly fucking revolting…. Untruth SHOULD illicit in the individual (human being) the appropriate corresponding strength of visceral revulsion that its opposite Truth is in accordance with Beauty, Good and the Divine.
Revelation 3:15-16
'I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.’
I am not advocating the monastic life of privation…or some kind of hippy retreat to the woods/hermitage….these are very much First World Problems…….but if you have reached a point where even after harming your own child and quite possibly contributing to harming the children of others (via omission or commission)… is not sufficient to make you fundamentally reconsider/reassess your engagement/relationship with/exposure to narrative…how could I possibly conclude anything other than that you are nought but a shitty attempt at a human being…an irredeemable piece of shit. Despite very likely harming your own child and other peoples children …following your greedy unthinking/uncritical consumption of such narratives….you unaccountably return to them…again and again…YOU HAVE NO FUCKING SHAME
"As a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool repeats his folly"
Book of Proverbs in the Bible — Proverbs 26:11
The level of addiction to Smartphones is fuckin surreal…people cannot use a fucking pavement anymore...nor can they cross a road. I despair that it is even necessary to have to make these arguments…That the level of Retardation has reached such fucking gutter bovine levels. So it goes…
I have stated quite clearly what I am doing… and the moral imperative that informs it…what you choose to do….is up to you…