I am hoping to address the above title… the social difficulty around asking another person whether they have received the C19 mRNA vaccine (and potentially associated boosters)…. or not.
But I hope to frame that consideration/situation within a wider context. Socially the most common question asked by women is…
“What do you do?” (Every Woman)
It is a fairly standard/common question in a variety of social situations in which a female seeks to infer your wealth, status and various other implicit metrics about you in order to discern whether you are a potentially suitable or unsuitable mate/partner/paramour. So far…so uncontroversial.
My approach has always necessarily been vague and couched in a variety of bullshit. The true and direct answer to the question “What do you do?” for much of my adult life would have been…
“I eat lots of Alpen and pretend to be a mature student”…
To directly speak to the truth of my situation would necessarily lead to a variety of follow up questions…none of which are remotely concerned with my potential suitability for a relationship/sexual or otherwise…but simply in trying to satisfy themselves that I am not a serial killer.
Having the identity of a mature student which I have had for much of my adult life…was very important. Having spent lengthy periods in institutional settings (mental health wards/psychiatric hospitals) and all that that entails…the identity of a student…mature or otherwise offered a shorthand way not to exist within that particular identity (mental health patient/service user/legit madman etc etc)
I have gained university qualifications as a consequence of that identity as a student but that was never the purpose/intent. It was primarily a method of achieving some semblance of a socially acceptable identity. It is particularly useful given the extreme level of societal ignorance that pervades the issue (mental health)…even amongst those who are also mental health service users or work within the sector/profession itself.
It is perhaps a little ironic that although I have been proscribed serious psychotropic medications most of my adult life (lithium/Priadel…semi-sodium valproate/Depakote…anti-psychotics…too numerous to recount…but perhaps most significantly Quetiapine/Seroquel….and Olanzapine)….the only period in which I found it necessary/beneficial to take them was whilst at University. I was unable to attend Politics lectures at UCLan without a bespoke regime. I would first have two pints of medium strength bitter at The Britannia
…I would then take a single 350mg tablet of Seroquel/Quetiapine…with 6-8 pro-plus tablets. The combination enabled me to attend the lectures (there were restrictive/punitive penalties for non- attendance)…but not fully attend lectures/tutorials. I was there in body…but not in mind or spirit. My major focus was not to be seen visibly dribbling. There are a few social situations where I have employed the use of psychiatric medications…and found them a godsend. Whether at parties or during long car journeys or flights (EasyJet etc etc). It is a history overwhelmingly of non-concordance/non- compliance. I spent 15 years being reliably able to titrate myself on Lithium in the fortnight proceeding a blood test in order to achieve the necessary therapeutic level required. Only on maybe one or two occasions was I requested to take a second test following queries with my results. So…I was reasonably good/successful at it. Although it is quite dangerous and not advisable. I am not giving medical advice…nor am I qualified to…I’m just saying what I did and how I made it work for me….you have to listen to your own body etc etc.
I continued to adopt pretty much the same strategy whilst pursuing my MA in Social Policy…but I reduced the amount of Quetiapine/Seroquel and took a hip flask containing either Spanish Brandy or Grappa. I was better able to calibrate the pharmaceutical/alcohol drug interaction this way than with drinking variable strength beer (guest bitters)…I also have a weak bladder… so it was a no brainer. So it was more trial and error and refining the process…I continued with much the same strategy whilst pretending to be a PhD student at UCLan. UCLan is a very shit university and much of what is taught there is fuckin nonsense….but it was less than a mile from my home…so it was convenient. But I would not recommend that anybody go there… or worse… fuckin pay to go there….it’s retarded as fuck…pretty much 95% of the guff they teach there is pure fake and gay.
I think since C19 2020…the perennial question of “What do you do?” has been to a large extent relegated…if not rendered to a significant degree redundant. We have (collectively) participated in the largest psychological operation in human history…whether you are able… via your disposable income to afford multiple city breaks throughout Europe whilst wearing a £1000 belt or to eat out/dine at an expensive restaurant that got featured in The Guardian newspaper…seems pretty moot at this point. I think that variability in wealth outcome will always illicit envy…to the degree that there is some kind of innate sense of unfairness to it's distribution…The capuchin that gets pissed off with cucumber instead of a grape is a pretty hardwired response.
I am familiar with The Spirit Level and it’s critique and have sympathy with Orwell’s argument for a maximum income, I have read a great deal of Karl Marx and associated economic literature…
But despite the unevenness of wealth distribution that is structurally baked into the neo-liberal financial system, financialisaton, credit creation/private central banking, usurious lending etc etc… I think, would suggest, the importance of that unevenness of wealth distribution…that I well understand is often obscene (footballers remuneration and many other such examples/super yachts/billionaires yada yada) has been relegated/demoted/superseded by the events of the last 4 years. The absence of Integrity and Accountability within our system, I would suggest, presents a far greater existential crisis/urgent problem to society…than disparity of wealth and income (however obscene those disparities are perceived to be). I do not in anyway seek to diminish the serious social consequences of poverty and the associated afflictions that manifest in our current economic system…rather…assert that the crisis we are now confronted with is not an issue of zeroes on a pay check/bank account…but something far deeper/fundamental and moral.
Not that I get asked often anymore…being a homeless TRAMP and having a social demeanour that telepathically screams “Back the fuck OFF”…but to the question
“What do you do?”
I can quite comfortably and unselfconsciously respond…
“ I’m homeless and live in some woods in North Yorkshire….I shower once a week… I have a Substack account that nobody reads that attempts to chart/record the collapse of our nation and wider civilization”.
I feel no awkwardness or social embarrassment with this. I have a couple of bags of possessions from charity shops. I am unequivocally a total social failure/loser in that sense. But I do not feel, as I once did, embarrassed/awkward by that identity or lack of social merit/standing/wealth/status etc etc. I am not suggesting or advocating myself as a role model/exemplar to anybody else (far from it)…simply explaining the way I rationalise it/relativize it to how I have previously experienced the difficulty of social identity/fitting in/attaining some sense of social normalcy.
The question of “Are you vaxxed or unvaxxed?” I would suggest, is far more revealing/important than what was previously the mantra of our age…
“What do you do?”
It is a hard question to ask…I have asked a few people…but I think it is quite easy to triangulate/intuit/deduce the answer to a reasonable degree of accuracy from unrelated remarks/behaviour/conversation.
There is firstly the issue of medical privacy. Ultimately in posing the question you are asking the person to divulge an aspect of their personal medical history…which is socially a bit odd/awkward under any circumstances…There is also the many implicit subtexts to the question which an answer in the affirmative reveals.
Asking a WOMAN, “Are you vaxxed or unvaxxed?” may well include some of the following sub textual implicit considerations/inferences..
The well documented consequences to female fertility/reproduction (Naomi Wolf and others etc etc)…
Their fitness as a mother…whether in terms of their potential ability to have children (sterility) or the likely corollary that they had their own children vaccinated/harmed.
Their immune health with respect to susceptibility to a variety of other health issues that have exploded since the roll out of the Corona Virus mRNA vaccine/gene therapy (take your pick…Myocarditis/Turbo Cancers/Stokes etc etc)
Their sense of their own mortality given the All Cause Mortality data since 2021.
Self-regard….Are you still as ‘stunning and brave’ as you perhaps once thought yourself to be?
Are you morally/professionally/spiritually bankrupt? i.e. by either omission or commission… did you contribute to the harming/death of others (many people have)
To what degree/level/extent are you ‘over-socialised’ ? (Ted Kaczynski)
This is by no means a comprehensive list…but some of the sub textual considerations that latch on to the question… if asked to a WOMAN.
Asking a MAN whether he is vaxxed or unvaxxed ? is, in my opinion, far more difficult/awkward.
The sub textual/implicit questions are not the same…but some of those may include:
Do you have a mangina?
Do you periodically experience yeast infections in your man fanny that require some topical treatment/ointment from a pharmacy or a supermarket?
Do you sleep with a dildo under your pillow that you dip into a little ramakin of salad dressing on your bedside table and then suck into the early hours of the morning…whilst cry wanking ?
Have you considered getting a vajazzle/vagacial or labiaplasty for your man minge? and is your wife/girlfriend/partner supporting you emotionally with that decision/process/ ‘journey’?
What does it feel like to take it up the ass from Joseph Fritzels’ lubed up rapey incest Dong?
Asking both women and men their C19 Vaccination status is beset with it’s own unique set of sub textual…unspoken but implicit questions/inferences. Socially…I find it far less awkward to ask a woman the question…couched matter of factly…almost as an after thought. However, I prefer to extrapolate the answer indirectly to avoid the distinct social awkwardness of both scenarios. But without the data point “Are you vaxxed or unvaxxed?”…I do not really think it is possible to share an intellectually honest/authentic meaningful exchange/interaction about anything…it is to ignore the most significant/ seismic event that has occurred in our lifetime…the implications of which we continue to live through. The pretence of ignoring or not acknowledging the issue is excruciating.